- Groves, H., Higgins, S. & Mercier, E. (2013, May) Developing Adaptive Expertise through Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning. To be presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.
- Mercier, E.M. & Higgins, S. (2013) Collaborative Learning with Multi-Touch Technology: Developing Adaptive Expertise. Learning and Instruction, 25, 13-23. DOI: 10.1016/j.learninstruc.2012.10.004
- Mercier, E. & Higgins, S. (2013, May) Time And Space: Analyzing Multiple Levels of Collaborative Learning Across Time. To be presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.
- Mercier, E., Vourloumi, G. & Higgins, S. (2013) Idea Development in Multi-touch and Paper-based Collaborative Problme Solving. In N. Rummel, M. Kapur, M. Nathan, & S. Puntambekar, S. (Eds.) To See the World and a Grain of Sand: Learning across Levels of Space, Time and Scale: CSCL 2103 Conference Proceedings Vol. 2, p 313-314.
- Richardson, T., Burd, L. & Smith, S. (2013) Guidelines for supporting real-time multi-touch applications. Journal of Software: Practice and Experience. DOI: 10.1002/spe.2183
- Higgins, S.E., Mercier, E.M., Burd, E. & Joyce-Gibbons, A. (2012) Multi-touch tables and collaborative learning. British Journal of Educational Technology 43 (6), 1041–1054. DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-8535.2011.01259.x
- Higgins, S., Mercier, E., & Burd, E. (2012, April) Collaborative Learning in a Multi-Touch Classroom. In E. Mercier (chair) A Framework to Understand the Impact of Technology on Collaborative Learning. Symposium presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, Canada.
- Mercier, E., Higgins, S., Burd, E. & McNaughton, J. (2012) ITS in the Classroom: Perspectives on Using a Multi-touch Classroom. To Appear in the Proceedings of the ACM Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces Conference.
- Mercier, E., Higgins, S. & Burd, E. (2012) Tabletops in the Classroom: Reflections on a multi-year project. G. Biswas et al. (Eds.) (2012). Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Computers in Education. Singapore: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education (to appear)
- Mercier, E., McNaughton, J., Higgins, S. & Burd, E. (2012) Orchestrating Learning in the Multi-touch Classroom: Developing Appropriate Tools. In M. Evans (chair) Interactive Surfaces and Spaces: A Learning Sciences Agenda. van Aalst, J., Thompson, K., Jacobson, M. J., & Reimann, P. (Eds.) The Future of Learning: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS 2012) – Volume 2, Short Papers, Symposia, and Abstracts
- Mercier, E., Higgins, S., Burd. E. & Joyce-Gibbons, A. (2012) Multi-Touch Technology to Support Multiple Levels of Collaborative Learning in the Classroom. In van Aalst, J., Thompson, K., Jacobxon, M.J., & Reimann, P. (Eds.) The Future of Learning: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS 2012) – Volume 2, Short Papers, Symposia and Abstracts.
- Mercier, E., & Higgins, S. (2012, April) The Impact of Classroom Configuration on Collaborative Learning. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, Canada.
- Smith, S.P., Burd, E. and Rick, J. Developing, evaluating and deploying multi-touch systems, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies70:10, 653-656 (October, 2012).
- Alagha, I., Burd, E., Higgins, S. & Mercier, E. (2011) “SynergyNet Exploring Design and Pedagogy in a Multi-Touch Classroom”. In H. Spada, G. Stahl, N. Miyake & N. Law (Eds.) Connecting Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning to Policy and Practice: CSCL2011 Conference Proceedings. Volume III — Community Events Proceedings. International Society of the Learning Sciences pp 1081-2.
- Hatch, A., Higgins, S., Joyce-Gibbons, A. & Mercier, E. (2011) “NumberNet: Using Multi-touch Technology to Support Within and Between Group Mathematics Learning”. In H. Spada, G. Stahl, N. Miyake & N. Law (Eds.) Connecting Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning to Policy and Practice: CSCL2011 Conference Proceedings. Volume I — Long Papers. International Society of the Learning Sciences pp 176-183.
- Higgins, S.E., Mercier, E.M., Burd, E., & Hatch, A., (2011) “Multi-touch Tables and the Relationship with Collaborative Classroom Pedagogies: a Synthetic Review“. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, pg 1-24,
- Higgins, S., Mercier, E., Joyce-Gibbons, A. (2011, April) “Supporting Multiple Levels Of Classroom Collaborative Learning”. In E. Mercier (chair) Designing Technology to Support Collaboration in the Classroom. Symposium at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA. (A Division C Highlight)
- Mercier, E., Higgins, S. & Burd, E. (2011, September) “Interdisciplinary design research: developing educational technology”, Proceeding of the 14th Biennial Conference of the European Association of Research into Learning and Instruction, Exeter, EARLI.
- Mercier, E., Higgins, S. & da Costa, L., (2011, April) “Emergent Organizational and Intellectual Leadership In Collaborative Learning Groups”. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA.
- Smith, S. P., Burd, E. L., Ma, L., Alagha I., and Hatch, A. (2011) “Relative and Absolute Mappings for Rotating Remote 3D Objects on Multi-Touch Tabletops”, The 25th BCS Conferernce on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI 2011), Newcastle, 6-8 July 2011
- AlAgha, I., Hatch, A., Ma, L., & Burd, L. (2010) “Towards a Teacher-centric Approach for Multi-touch Surfaces in Classrooms”. ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces 2010, Saarbrucken, Germany, ACM.
- Burd, E., Higgins, S. and Mercier, E. (2010) “A Pragmatic Approach to Changing the Pedagogy of Classrooms”. AERA Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, April 2010.
- Don, L. & Smith, S. P. (2010) “Applying bimanual interaction principles to text input on multitouch surfaces and tabletops“, ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces 2010, Saarbrucken, Germany, ACM.
- Higgins, S. & Mercier, E. (2010, September) Multi-Touch Technologies and Motivation in the ClassroomIn C. Rogers (chair) ICT and Student Engagement: Possibilities and Problems. Symposium presented at the annual conference of the British Education Research Association, Warwick, UK.
- Stibric, M., Derrick, K., & Adams, J. W. (2010). “Collaborative problem solving in children with ADHD”. BPS Developmental Section Conference, Goldsmiths, University of London, September 2010.
- AlAgha, I & Burd, L. (2009) “An Ontology Based Approach for Context Based Collaborative Browsing”. ICALT 2009: 131-135.
- Burd, E., Elliott, J., Hatch, A., Higgins, S., Kyaw P., Smith, S. (2009) “Multi-touch desks for learning: developing pedagogy through technology”, Proceeding of the 13th Biennial Conference of the European Association of Research into Learning and Instruction, Amsterdam, EARLI.
- Hatch, A., Higgins, S & Mercier, E. (2009) “SynergyNet: Supporting Collaborative Learning in an Immersive Environment” STELLAR Alpine Rendez-Vous Workshop 2009: Tabletops for Education and Training, December 2009, Garmisch-Partenkirchen.
Call for Papers
Special Issue of the International Journal of Human-Computer Studies (IJHCS) on “Development, Evaluation and Deployment of Multi-touch Systems”. Submissions due 30th July 2011. See the Call for Papers [PDF].