Classroom Data Collection
The SynergyNet team are in the midst of a classroom study – with two teachers with their classes each in the lab for 2 days each.
Here’s a few photos of what’s been going on.
Orchestrating the Multi-touch Classroom
In June, we conducted the first pilot study using the Kinect to run the SynergyNet classroom. The teacher bravely tried all three tools – the screen, iPad and Kinect – with a strong preference for the Kinect, despite a few issues. Check back in the next few months for further developments with this technology!
Education Research in the SynergyNet Classroom
During October and November 2010, six schools visiting the SynergyNet Classroom in groups of 16. Spending up to 5 hours in the lab, these groups of ten-year olds had the opportunity to become familiar with the tables (with activities like asteroids, pebble pool and jigsaws)
The groups completed a number of maths and history tasks to allow the team to begin to answer questions about the differences between single and multiple groups working on these tasks, the manner in which the networked tables and screens supported whole-class discussion of the activities, and differences in table orientation (traditional or centered).
The image below shows a group of school children in the centered classroom with Prof Steve Higgins.

Networked content in use: Network Flick
Building on the Networked capabilities of the SynergyNet system, objects can be passed between tables. In the video below, the first group of school children pass images between their tables – to the excitement of the children and the SynergyNet team!